Power Outage (10)Full unit name: Power Outage
Last updated: 04.07.2024 17:09:52
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Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Happened during: Rebuilding Coruscant
Rebuilding Coruscant
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Relations: Coruscant
Known Facts (5)
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    The black bisector comes! Pleasing, as it is needed. I am In-iK, science unit. Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
    We do... appreciate anything you can do.
    What's with your language, anyway? I can barely understand you.
    The Gree language-form is dissimilar to Basic language-form. Because Gree senses are unique red bisectors! Five Gree senses analyze forms. Three Gree senses soak color. So goes language. Other species miscommunicate our language-words.
    Coruscant power comes from the Works. Darkness comes from the Works. Coruscant-Senators, traders are blind. The power-darkness must stop.
    The Works are where Coruscant's power is generated?
    The Works is very low on Coruscant. There, Gree spawning generators breed electrons for machine-consumption. But enemy droid-machines intersect the power conduits and yellow-shift their functionality. Enemy droid-machines must stop, and conduits must be fixed.
    Hero of Tython
    Why are the enemy droid-machines disrupting the power conduits?
    All droids in the Works were damaged when the Empire attacked. Now they are corrupt. I monitor the power conduits, and know where to implement purple-shifting. As black bisector, you can "take out" many, many droid-machines. With information planted inside you, and our tool-sphere repair-mother in your many fingers, you can perform the fixing function! It is efficacious?
    Sounds efficacious to me.
    Excellent-red tangents envelop us! You will do well, black bisector.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Corso Riggs, Voidhound, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, In-iK
  • Republic Operatives killed a number of Cthon
  • Republic Operatives destroyed a number of Rogue Construction Droids
  • Republic Operatives killed EV 3D3
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    The power-darkness is obsolete! The conduits are fully functional, and I have witnessed through our monitors. Also, you destroyed many enemy droid-machines, so well done!
    Finally finished.
    Please remember Gree technology is exclusive to the enclave. Do not attempt to duplicate, or you will be absorbed into the gray pentachoron.
    No more blackouts?
    Now. Not eternally. In one millennium, if our interests intersect, we will ask for help again.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Corso Riggs, Voidhound, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, In-iK
It was one of the mission in scope of Coruscant
rebuilding project
Rebuilding Coruscant
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
which had been completed by a team of Repulic operatives
Republic Operatives
Temporary Unions
during the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Immediately after they had solved the problem
Ugnaught Saboteurs
(Rebuilding Coruscant)
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
with waste processing units, the operatives were contacted by In-iK
(COURIER-A01 Protocol Droid)
, Gree Enclave
Gree Enclave
Planetary and Sector
delegation science droid. He outlined their next mission - to prevent power outages across Coruscant, the operatives needed to fix damaged power conduits in the Works, one of the lowest sectors of the planet where all the power was generated. The conduits were damaged by rogue droids whose programming was corrupted during the Sacking of Coruscant
Sacking of Coruscant
Great Galactic War (3681BBY - 3653BBY)
, the droids should be destroyed to prevent future blackouts.
The operatives went down to The Works, and, fighting the hordes of rogue droids
Enemy Droid-Machines
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
and cthons
, located and, using Gree repair sphere, repaired damaged power conduit in the Upper Power Distribution sector - destroying several corrupted construction droids
MNG-A01 Assassin Droid
Old Republic Assassin Droid classes
that guared it. When they reached the Control Center sector and discovered a second power conduit, they were forced to kill more mindless cthons and destroy a massive EV 3D3
EV 3D3
(ROGUE-A01 Battle Droid)
battle droid that attacked them before they could repair the machinery. When the operatives located the last power conduit in the Lower Power Distribution sector, it was guarded by Imperial assault and scout droids
AT-A01 Assassin Droid
Old Republic Assassin Droid classes
. After operatives attacked and destroyed
Core Complications
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
the droids, they repaired the conduit.
When the operatives returned to In-iK, the droid congratulated them on their success in its cryptic language and assured them that the power conduits were working properly and that there would be no power failure for millennia. In-iK asked the operatives to return to Pat-aK
(PO12 Protocol Droid)
See also
Related organizations
Republic Special Forces DivisionStructureCharactersLieutenant Meteor, Havoc SquadSergeant Aric Jorgan, Havoc SquadSentient speciesCatharSergeant Aric Jorgan, Havoc SquadRanksLieutenantMeteor, Havoc SquadSergeantAric Jorgan, Havoc SquadWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsRepublic Sniper RifleAric JorganArmorHavoc Squad ArmorAric Jorgan
Havoc SquadStructureCharactersLieutenant MeteorSergeant Aric JorganSentient speciesCatharSergeant Aric JorganRanksLieutenantMeteorSergeantAric JorganWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsRepublic Sniper RifleAric JorganArmorHavoc Squad ArmorAric Jorgan
Jedi OrderStructureCharactersJedi Knight Barsen'thor (Jedi Consular)Jedi Knight Hero of TythonJedi Padawan Kira CarsenRanksJedi KnightBarsen'thorHero of TythonJedi PadawanKira CarsenRolesJedi ConsularJedi Knight Barsen'thorWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL1 Jedi Dual LightsaberKira Carsen
Gree EnclaveStructureCharactersIn-iKDroidsCOURIER-A01 Protocol DroidIn-iK
Republic OperativesStructureCharactersMeteorAric JorganCorso RiggsVoidhoundBarsen'thorQyzen FessHero of TythonKira CarsenSentient speciesCatharAric JorganTrandoshanQyzen FessWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsRepublic Sniper RifleAric JorganL4 ElectrobladeQyzen FessL1 Jedi Dual LightsaberKira Carsen
Related units, characters and other technologies
Barsen'thorMembershipJedi OrderJedi Knight Barsen'thor (Jedi Consular)Republic OperativesWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsBarsen'thor's Lightsaber
Hero of TythonMembershipRepublic OperativesJedi OrderJedi Knight Hero of TythonWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsHero of Tython's Lightsaber
MeteorMembershipHavoc SquadLieutenant MeteorRepublic Special Forces DivisionLieutenant Meteor, Havoc SquadRepublic Operatives
VoidhoundMembershipSmugglerRepublic Operatives
Kira CarsenMembershipJedi OrderJedi Padawan Kira CarsenRepublic OperativesWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL1 Jedi Dual LightsaberRelationsBela Kiwiiks (Master)
Qyzen FessMembershipRepublic OperativesWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL4 Electroblade
Aric JorganMembershipHavoc SquadSergeant Aric JorganRepublic Special Forces DivisionSergeant Aric Jorgan, Havoc SquadRepublic OperativesWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsRepublic Sniper RifleArmorHavoc Squad Armor
Corso RiggsMembershipRepublic Operatives
EV 3D3
In-iKMembershipGree Enclave
MNG-A01 Assassin DroidWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL3 ElectrobladeRogue Construction Droids
COURIER-A01 Protocol DroidUsed by / onGree EnclaveIn-iK
CatharWere among members ofRepublic Special Forces DivisionSergeant Aric Jorgan, Havoc SquadHavoc SquadSergeant Aric JorganRepublic OperativesAric Jorgan
TrandoshanWere among members ofRepublic OperativesQyzen Fess
SergeantMembershipRepublic Special Forces DivisionAric Jorgan, Havoc SquadHavoc SquadAric Jorgan
LieutenantMembershipRepublic Special Forces DivisionMeteor, Havoc SquadHavoc SquadMeteor
Jedi PadawanMembershipJedi OrderKira Carsen
Jedi KnightMembershipJedi OrderBarsen'thorHero of Tython
Jedi ConsularMembershipJedi OrderJedi Knight Barsen'thor
Complete list

Full unit name: Power Outage Last updated: 04.07.2024 17:09:52